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Three ways to keep positive during lockdown 3.0 Posted On 19 January 2021

Lockdown 3.0 is proving tougher than the previous two for many, so we have some ideas to keep your spirit’s lifted


There is no denying it, lockdown 3.0 is tough. Families up and down the country are struggling with finances, boredom, loss of ambition and their mental health. Unlike last year, this lockdown has fallen in the middle of an especially wet and grey winter, which has caused millions of people to be stuck indoors for days upon a time.


If it’s raining outside, it’s a struggle to get your allowed exercise outdoors and without that fresh air and exercise the days start to seem excessively long. So, what can you do to make these days seem better?


Take up a new hobby


Many people have found new hobbies, or even restarted old hobbies they hadn’t done for years. Two of the most popular hobbies to come out of lockdown are gardening and painting.


It may be grey and wet outside, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planting seeds inside, somewhere warm where they get lots of light. That way, when the weather improves, you can get a head start on the garden outside. You can also make a plan for your garden so you know where the flowers and plants are going to go.


Painting is calming and therapeutic. Whether you are a beginner, or slightly more advanced, taking the time to get lost in a painting, whether it is watercolour, acrylic or oil, can be the most pleasurable and calming point of the day akin to meditation. Not sure where to start, there are some great guides available online.


Take a break from the news


You want to keep up-to-date with the daily headlines, especially ones that affect you and your family. But sitting watching news programmes, one after another, all day long is not good for your mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, most news programmes choose to focus on negative news stories, as that is what gets more attention and viewers.


Watching negative news all day long is a surefire way to depress yourself more daily. So change the station and avoid depressing ‘clickbait’ news stories on social media. Don’t worry, the news won’t stop happening because you’re no longer watching!


Cook fresh


If you’re working from home, that will give you time to cook with some wonderful fresh produce every day. Time-consuming meals are no longer a problem if you’re stuck at home anyway, so find some recipes online that the whole family likes and gather the ingredients together.


Eating nutritional, freshly cooked food is as important as exercise when it comes to your mental and physical health. We know takeaways are all the rage right now, but if they turn into the norm as opposed to a treat, they are a surefire way to hit your bank account as well as unsettle your body.


If you are struggling during lockdown, there is help available.





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